
BAZARRNA is a project founded by Palestinians from Gaza. We are interested in creating research content to support the Palestinian resistance.
Producing knowledge and research materials on Palestine and everything aimed at liberation.
On a biased basis towards the resistance in all its forms, we allocated content that talks about the Palestinian economy and production and the theft, plunder, destruction, and exploitation suffered by the Zionist project.

Our economic power and its support will work to obstruct the Zionist project.

The Palestinian economy is facing difficulties with developing independently, the lack of exports and money coming in made an already difficult situation even more unbearable. With our means of production being controlled partly or fully by Israelis, the profits from the resources and industries of our land are being funneled into the economy of Israel while the Palestinian economy suffers.

Bazarrna aims to forge a way for Palestinian industry and culture to be accessible worldwide.

Our goal is to provide an open-door market for the Palestinean product
Our mission is to increase the public’s understanding of Palestinian heritage and culture,
Currently, there are little to no ways of supporting the Palestinian economy and trade, so we set out to offer an independent solution that opens a market between the Palestinian product and the international market.